TVC Production by SBF
This is our 2nd project with Ecovacs right after the 2022 GLOBAL PRODUCT LAUNCH EVENT.
In November 2022, we received the brief and required us to produce a 60sec product film which involved shooting and CG animation. However, Ecovacs doesn’t want to produce another typical product film like what they did before. They wanted us to produce something with an interesting camera work, creative storyline & great art direction. We are glad that the client trusted our creative team and give us this opportunity to produce this film for them.
The Classic DEEBOT (concept) - A defining concept that blurs the boundaries and invites us to live life to the fullest without concerning about the demands of maintaining a pristine home environment. In this cinematic showpiece, the story blends between a joyful woman living her daily life and the DEEBOT N10 dutifully executes its cleaning tasks with precision and efficiency. One movement leading to another following the rhythm of classical music is further elevated by dynamic camera works and CGI shots.
All Under One Roof
Our creative team crafted everything from concept, storyline, treatment, shooting, talent, venue and props sourcing, CG animation, VFX, copy writing, voice over recording, color grading and clean up. This time, we do the shooting in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. The biggest challenge was to look for a Europe style house to suit with the market background. Our team spend a lot of time to source a suitable house and finally, after 2 weeks of scouting, we manage to find a perfect house for the shooting and Ecovacs love it!
It took us 2 days 2 nights to complete the shooting. The most challenging part during the shooting was to control the dog together with the robot. It was time consuming to make this two-character follow what’s the director need as per plan. Overall, the shooting went well and executed smoothly by team. All thanks to the detailed pre-shooting planning by our director and team.
After the shooting, we spend another 7 days to complete the post work including color grading, clean up, enhancing the CG animation and VFX. In total, we spend around 3 months to wrap up this product film, from pre-production, production & post-production.

Brand: Ecovacs
E. Producer: David Ran, Shukri Yunos
E. Creative Director: Kaism
Producer: Anan, Kaylee Tee
Content Manager: Kaylee Tee
Onsite Producer: Alan Zafri, Hani Munirah
Content Creative Team
Creative Director: Syazwan Nazaruddin
Art Directors: Lockyi
Style Frame support: Kee, Zi Qing, Amin, Yie Soon
Production Team
CG Lead: Kee
CG Artist: Azhan Karim, Zi Qing
Main Compositor: Syazwan Nazaruddin
Compositor: Azhan Karim, Amin, Yie Soon
Shooting Team
Film Director: Syazwan Nazaruddin
Assistant Director: Reen Emran
D.O.P: Matthew Chow
Gaffer: Jia Wei
Props Master: Eddy Sih
Stylist: Malya
Post Production Team
Editor: Syazwan Nazarrudin
CG Artist: Kee, Azhan Karim, Zi Qing
Compositor: Azhan Karim, Amin, Yie Soon
Color Grading: Alan Zafri
Clean up: Firdaus Hashim
Clean up: Firdaus Hashim
Audio Mixing: Shuai Shuai
Produced at Super Bonfire Group with partners.