OPPO FIND X3 Series Global Launch
OPPO is China’s biggest smart phone manufacturer and top brand in the region. On top of this, they have grown to the 5th largest mobile phone brand by market share globally. SBF was approached to produce the launch of the flagship hand set the OPPO find X3 Series.
The request was to create a XR launch for the brand and to create all the content for the hour-long world premiere that would be broadcast to all markets.
* Disclaimer *
SBF was responsible for entire Creative Planning, Design, Launch XR production & post-production. Certain content & film were showcased were done by partnering studios & artist including
Millarc CGI, Somei Design, Flying Sparrow Film, Cat & Mouse Production, Vashr & Sauvage TV.

Having just partnered with disguise and actually beta testing the new XR system for the previous months, this project was actually our first project using the new system. We were the first adopters for the VX and RX servers in china. As exciting as that was, it also came with its own challenges. SBF had a global team working on this launch and we were managing multiple teams in parallel.
In the end our first XR project was success and the learnings for pioneering china’s first proper XR projects provided a valuable experience we would need almost immediately after for the ID6 world premier for VW. Thanks to OPPO for choosing us and we look forward to working on more XR projects soon.

Early Style Frames Development

Full Credits
Client – OPPO
Agency - Uniplan BJ
Creative Director - Kaism Lim
E. Producer - David Ran
Project Management – Vera Zheng
Producer - Vera Zheng, Gao Ying, Vikki, Kay
Art Director - Kaism, An Qi, Daxiang
Animation / VFX Director - DB Gao
Styleframe Design - Daxiang, Oliver, Syazwan
Keynote layout support - Leilei
Lead Edittor - Lumi
Leads Artists - Ming, Minmin, Liujie, DB Gao
Lead Compositors - Anqi, Desmond, Zhenyu, Azhan
Asst. Compositor - Desmond, Yie Soon, Xiaogou, Liujie, Victoria
3D Animation - Fukun, Dyson , Xiaogou, Chan YH
BTS Editor - Lumi
XR Shooting
Director - DB Gao
Assistant Director - Vera Zheng
Executive Director - David Ran
Unreal Scene - BART
Unreal Support - Whyknot Studio
Unreal Programmer - Hao Changuang, Alex Liu
Lighting: 邢金峰
Shooting Crew
Crane: 胡博涵
Camera Operator: 晏奋韬
BTS: 大超
ARRI Broadcast technicians: 马云鹏, 王庆宇
Technical Crew: Show Plus
Project Manager:张泽宁
Producer:杨文, 杨越
XR Technical Director: 杨剑
XR Technicians:夏永林,车文达,唐英,赵东阳,昌云峰
Lighting:闫鑫, 孙嘉伟
Produced at Super Bonfire Group with partners (Showplus China, Whyknot Studio)
* Disclaimer *
SBF was responsible for entire Creative Planning, Design, Launch XR production & post-production. Certain content & film were showcased were done by partnering studios & artist including
Millarc CGI, Somei Design, Flying Sparrow Film, Cat & Mouse Production, Vashr & Sauvage TV.
End of List