QianHai Kerry Center 2019
SBF came into a very interesting project with a 270 degree projection as VR showroom setup in Shenzhen China. This particular video was done for the first part of a tour of showroom tour for Kerry Properties.
-- The Heart Beats of Qian Hai --
As the leading properties developer Kerry Properties, QKC is a futuristic, financial, lifestyle, residence hub as the soon - to - be the financial hub of southern China. Along with the future urban living and financial concept. SBF develop a full CGI VR content with a full aesthetic point of view story telling to portray the image of Qianhai Kerry Center, a non generic and traditional properties marketing material, which is a very brave and cutting edge method of our client.
As the first part of the tour, this piece has become the very first impression for audience to engage with the new urban concept of our client with new experience. Our team had a blast working on this project experimented various of technical and art direction to make this piece a new benchmark for ourselves.
*** Here's the film in 360 VR format. Please play in FULL SCREEN 4K for best viewing experience. ***

Full Credit
Client - Kerry Properties
Agency - A+B Communication
E. Producer - Glory, Chun
E. Producer - David Ran, Shukri Yunos
Producer - Yin Chen Huang, Radzi
Asst. Producer - Charlotte Chong
Creative Director - Kaism Lim
Animation & CG Director - DB Gao
Technical Supervisor - Lulu Zhang
Art Direction - Iris Chen, Feng Hang, An Qi Er
Lead Compositor - An Qi Er, Yeu Jian Lim, Min Min, YH Chan
Asst. Compositors - Shahir, Xiao He, Fu Kun
CG Lead - Sun Cheng Peng, Dennis Sibilev, CK Kong, Sufie, Luqman Ashaari
CG Artist - Dimitri, Jia Zhi Feng, Fu Kun
Music & SFX - Kelvin Leow
Produced at Super Bonfire with partners. (Moving Apes Studio, Superfly)